This old XVIth century fortress close to the ramparts remains true to its military tradition since it has been transformed into the Weapons Museum. The collections have been built up mainly as a result of royal donations and include a number of rare pieces.Weapons specialists will appreciate the development of techniques while art lovers will be impressed by the splendour of the objects.
Live the golden age of weaponry: everyhting is on display here, from the pre-historic axe to the modern rifle. And every civilisation is represented: Indian, European or Asiatic. However, the finest exhibits are undoubtedly Moroccan: the daggers encrusted with stones or the rifles with their inlaid butts - and there can be no question as to the most imposing piece of all - its size and weight speak volumes!A canon 5 metres long and weighing 12 tons, used during the Battle of the Three Kings.
This old XVIth century fortress close to the ramparts remains true to its military tradition since it has been transformed into the Weapons Museum. The collections have been built up mainly as a result of royal donations and include a number of rare pieces.Weapons specialists will appreciate the development of techniques while art lovers will be impressed by the splendour of the objects.
Live the golden age of weaponry: everyhting is on display here, from the pre-historic axe to the modern rifle. And every civilisation is represented: Indian, European or Asiatic. However, the finest exhibits are undoubtedly Moroccan: the daggers encrusted with stones or the rifles with their inlaid butts - and there can be no question as to the most imposing piece of all - its size and weight speak volumes!A canon 5 metres long and weighing 12 tons, used during the Battle of the Three Kings.
Borj-Nord MuseumFezTel. (212 5) 64 52 41