In New York's Central Park there are sexual assaulters running free, in London's Hyde Park the rippers like to kill prostitutes, in the parisien Le Bois de Boulogne the prostitues actually like to ripe you, and in El Retiro park in Madrid just about everybody starting from the gypsies ask you for money and try sell you drugs. But there is still hope for you Nature lovers and teenagers in search of a place to hold hands shyly, the Jnan Sbil Garden has opened its doors. After four years of detailed restoration and more than 30 million dirhams invested its the most expected comeback since ABBA, and Gatsby went there to have a stroll and sit with a good Henry James book for an hour or two. The Garden is really something exceptional and has to be seen and experienced in a sunny day, being in Fez, that is quite easy. The garden boasts more than 3000 different vegetal species some of them being really rare. The park was created by the Sultan Moulay Abdallah in the XVIII century and expands itself over more than 7 hectares. Gatsby's favourite part is the Bambou area, and the pintoresque noria. There is also a lake and plenty of water in this park that becomes a must for every visitor in seach of peace and pure air. And on top of everything our friends from the Mezzanine are just opposite the door so why not have a Gintronade (a mix of lemonade and Gin, invented actually by yours truly) from the lovely terrace?
The park opens from Tuesdays to Sundays from 9 am to 5 pm.
And if you see someone reading quietly in the shadows a nice Oscar Wilde or Joseph Conrad please dont bother, Gatsby is not so nice in person.