The New Year is round the corner and a lot of gossip is going on about which party will Gatsby & his crowd be attending. Well, we can't really say, for now its just the time of opening -virtual- envelopes and have a look at what's on offer.
We know that Riad Fes, like every year, will be hosting the most lavish dinner and party for its clients but also opened to riad non-residents at a price of circa 1500 dirhams, noblesse oblige.
The recently opened Maison Blanche will be throwing a dangerous cocktail of gourmet dishes and live music by the winner of the Star Academy Lebanon, and promises keeping us up till 4 am with plenty of champagne; at circa 1300 dirhams it won't be cheap, but New Year comes only once a year.
Zen Garden announces moroccan live music and plenty of good vibes in an environment that will make you feel like home, all for 800 dirhams.
The uptown youngsters have all confirmed assistance to the famous 'Crystal Reveillon 2010', in the vecinity of Le Majestic, by Action Premiere group , and if interested bookings can be made here: 06 64 68 52 80 asking for Hafid.
While we think that in the medina some things will be going on, and we are sure that our friends from Fez Lounge and Cafeclock will be both organising a soirée, nothing is yet confirmed, but dont worry, Gatsby has ears all over Fez and will keep you posted.