Again Gatsby comes back to you with a precious gift: the news that our fashionable Fez is one more time enlarging its selection of direct flights. Rome and Cologne are added to a growing list that includes already London, Paris, Barcelona (actually Girona), Madrid, Milano, and many others. The move is part of a plan issued by Gatsby's closest friends that foresees Fez as the new capital of the world, putting New York, Tokio and London to shame.
Ryanair, the favourite arline for people who travel without luggage, is responsable for the Rome Ciampino flight, that will start operating on November Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The eternal city at reach of hand is a luxury that Gatsby plans to enjoy with moderation: the famous Gilda club -kind of an italian Studio 54- is like a black hole that sucks you in along with your money. But then there is La Fontana de Trevi, where if you're drunk enough you can try and pick up some coins to pay your last Martini. The Vatican with its Rafaello 'Stanze' is a total must along with the smelly Sistine Chapel. And one of the cutest museums in the world, the Villa Borghese, makes the perfect setting to declare eternal love to someone for a while.
Cologne will be connected to Fez thanks to Air Arabia, a low cost airline that looks better than some mainstream ones. Cologne, the fourth largest city in Germany and the one that gives name to the famous refreshing water everyone should use, is widely known for its Gothic cathedral, the tallest of the world. The city suffered a lot the bombings of the Second World War, but everything was reconstructed like only the Germans know how to do, while other buildings were contructed with some modern architectures, which contributes to make the city very much alive and attractive on the whole. Cologne is famous as well for its huge offer on Restaurants and Bars and nightlife, one that at least has not -yet- being perverted by Gatsby and his entourage.